Why Do Dogs Like Underwear?

At first, it’s pretty cute. Your new puppy grabs a sock and runs around the house with it. Maybe he puts holes in it, but you can’t get too mad because he’s just so adorable, right? Next time, you’ll just be more careful.

But even after the dreaded chewing phase has calmed down, you might find that your dog not only still loves to run around with your socks in his mouth but will take your underwear off the floor or out of the laundry basket.

So, why do our dogs just love our underwear so much? There are a few reasons, and it could be one, two, or all of them that make your dog hunt down your undies.

You Just Smell So Good

Don’t worry, your dog’s not a pervert. I mean, he might be, but that’s not the reason your underwear smells (and tastes) so good to him.

It’s because your underwear is the item of clothing that will smell most like you. Even if you insist that you change your underwear every single day, without fail, it will still be the clothing that carries the strongest scent.

This is because of where the sweat glands are located. They’re in the soles of our feet, the palms of our hands, in our armpits, and in our groin. That’s why socks and underwear are a dog’s favorite. It’s science.

You are Delicious

Remember those early stages of a relationship? We take a sweater or t-shirt from our significant other and just bury our noses into it, because it smells like them.

A dog has a sense of smell that is at least 10,000 times stronger than that of a human. So, everything you own smells of his favorite thing ever: you. Times 10,000. Nobody’s ever going to want your smell that much, but your dog sure does.

It’s a Game

That first time your pup grabbed your underwear and ran around the house with it, you chased after him. You probably laughed a lot and your heart melted at the sight of his little tail wagging with glee.

He now associates your underwear with that joyful feeling, and there’s every chance he’s just doing it for attention. He’ll head for the bathroom and bring you your dirty underwear just so you’ll chase him. It’s pretty smart, if you think about it.

Even if you get mad at him, it might not make him stop grabbing your underwear as soon as it’s off your body. Dogs love to get a reaction out of their owners and as much as they’d rather it was a happy one, sometimes they’ll settle for an angry one if it means they’ll get attention from you.

It’s a Phase

Dogs are more likely to take underwear and socks when they’re still young and going through that crucial chewing phase. Socks and underwear seem like the perfect choice because it’s a chew toy that smells and tastes like their favorite person.

Dogs explore the world with their nose and mouth, and they’re exercising both with your underwear. So, if you’re worried that your favorite pants and socks are going to be ripped to shreds, be sure to take measures! The chewing phase doesn’t last long but even when he’s older, your dog may still have happy memories of your underwear.

Is it Wrong for Your Dog to Eat Underwear?

Whether you secretly love the fact that your dog loves you so much he’s prepared to eat your underwear, or you simply don’t mind him sucking on an old pair of socks you never intend to wear anyway, there are good reasons to get him to kick his little habit.

For a start, it’s a little embarrassing to be in the middle of dinner and here comes your dog, his tail wagging crazily while he puts last night’s undies on your date’s lap and looks at them hopefully. But there’s more.

Dogs don’t always know when to stop and there’s a good chance your pup could swallow your underwear. Many a dog has needed emergency surgery after a pair of their owner’s boxers or panties got stuck in their digestive tract. For this reason alone, it’s vital that you don’t encourage the underwear chomping habit.

It’s also a sign of boredom in your dog, for him to form such an attachment to your underwear. It could be that he’s not getting enough attention from you, and he’s acting out because he knows it’ll provoke a reaction.

He might also have a condition known as Pica syndrome, where dogs (and other animals) ingest strange materials and substances because there’s something else going on, either nutritionally or psychologically. If your dog just can’t stop eating your underwear, take him to the vet to get him checked out.

How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Your Underwear

If the craze with your undies just isn’t showing signs of slowing down, then you’ll need to take action. It’s cute at first, but it can’t go on. You need to wean the guy off your underwear.

  • Start by giving your dog alternatives. Buy him a chew toy that has a texture he can really get his jaws around. Involve the chew toy in playtime and he’ll soon attach the same amount of joy and happiness to the toy as he did your underwear.
  • Don't let him get bored. Make sure he has plenty of exercise and something to keep him stimulated.
  • Don’t engage when he takes underwear. Simply remove it from his mouth without chasing or getting angry with him. He’ll soon learn it’s not a game.
  • You could use an anti-chew spray, but let’s face it, you don’t really want that on your underwear. Maybe try some on the laundry basket itself, so it could serve as a deterrent.
  • Pick up your pants. He can’t chew things he can’t get hold of, so make it impossible for him to find them. Put them in the laundry with a lid on and watch for those times he’s following you to the washing machine.

Pretty soon he’ll stop the underwear eating habit, and you can get back to having underwear without holes in it!

About the author

Kelsey Summers

Kelsey is the lead editor of Undywear.com. She's a fashionista who's written for Glamour, GQ and others. She enjoys breaking the stigma and taboo around underwear and writing about all things fashion.