How to Prevent Wedgies

There are few things as uncomfortable as a wedgie – and nothing that gets under your skin faster, especially if you are fighting them on a regular basis because of the underwear that you like to wear. 

Men and women alike deal with wedgies all the time and finding “wedgie proof” underwear is nowhere near simple and straightforward. 

In fact, it can feel almost impossible at times for you to get your hands on underwear that won’t ride up, that will bunch up, and that won’t leave you with almost endless wedgies that you have to pick and fidget with all the time. 

Unless, of course, you’re paying close attention to the tips and tricks we highlight below.

Let’s get right into it!

Dump Your Old Undies

One of the smartest moves you can make when it comes to eliminating wedgies from your life completely is to make a firm commitment to toss as many of your old underwear as possible the second they start to lose a bit of their elasticity. 

It’s not at all uncommon for underwear to sort of “relax” over time, stretching out and losing a little bit of that bounce and original shape that they once had.

This is a problem for men and for women, but it’s especially a problem for underwear that is particularly inexpensive and a little bit cheaply made.

Cotton underwear is notorious for losing its shape in a hurry. You’ll find that cotton underwear loves to bunch up just a couple of months after you have purchased it sometimes, which is why you have to be so careful and so vigilant.

It’s not a bad idea to have a look at your underwear collection every three months or so and do a “wellness check”.

Anything that’s lost bit of its bounce, little bit of its shape, and you recognize immediately as tending to wedge more often than not should be tossed ASAP. 

Underwear Type Makes a World of Difference

It’s also really good idea to start zeroing in underwear types that are more wedgie proof than others. 

Depending on your body shape, your activity level, and the kinds of clothes that you like to wear on a regular basis this may mean choosing a pair of briefs, a pair of boxer briefs, a thong or G string, or something else entirely – something designed to “play nicely” with your body and the other fabrics that you have so that you deal with less riding up than you might have otherwise. 

This is going to require you to try a couple of different kinds of underwear right out of the gate.

But there may not be an easier way to find something really comfortable. Something that will prevent wedgies, and something that you can turn to our regular basis that you know is going to stay in place most of time.

As a general rule, you’ll find that the types of underwear that a wider crotch area – for men and for women – are usually much more resistant to wedging issues than those that have a narrower crotch area.

This isn’t true 100% of the time (things like thongs aren’t going to wedge anymore and they aren’t designed to), but it’s something to consider moving forward. 

Find a Fit That Works

The overall fit of your new underwear is going to play a big role in combating wedgies as well.

What you want is something that fits close against your skin (almost like a second skin) without a lot of wiggle room, but not something so tight that it is naturally going to want to bunch up every time you move your body around.

Bikini style, brief style, and “hipster” style underwear that have a little bit of extra coverage – and a little bit of extra fabric up top near your hips – will go a long way towards controlling wedgies as well.

Should be after something that has a little bit give and a little bit of extra fabric, but not something that is billowy. 

That extra fabric is going to want to ride up and bunch the first chance it gets, so try to minimize it as much as possible!

Zero in on Fabric with a Little Stretch

A lot of people find that your synthetic fabrics – polyester and the like – are going to cause a lot fewer issues with wedgies than cotton, something that’s true in men and women’s underwear pretty consistently. 

This is because your synthetic and your technical fabrics have a lot more stretch to them, but also have something that the fabric industry calls “recovery”. 

This basically means that they aren’t just able to stretch a little more than your cotton fabrics are, but that they are able to bounce back and recover from that stretching a lot more frequently as well.

The odds are pretty good that you have a favorite pair of cotton underwear in your drawer that are quite a bit out of shape from what they started out as when you first bought them.

That’s just the way that the natural fibers of cotton relax over time, and there’s little you can do to tighten things up and bring those underwear back to that tighter fit – at least not without flat out shrinking them, anyway. 

Synthetic fabrics like polyester and technical fabric blends are able to move a little more freely and recover just because of the way that they are made, bouncing back flypaper band time after time and wash after wash.

Sizing is Key

Finding underwear that fits your body perfectly can sometimes be a bit of a challenge, if only because a lot of underwear is sold in pretty generic sizes – small, medium, large, etc. – unlike pants, shorts, and bathing suits that are little more exact their measurements. 

The trouble here is that if your underwear is too tight and too small it’s going to pull across your body, creating wedgies more often than not.

You’re going to deal with a lot of bunching and a lot of riding, but you’re also going to deal with some hygiene issues as your skin “down there” isn’t going to have anywhere near as much space to breathe as it would have otherwise.

Of course, as we touched on a little bit earlier, if your underwear is too loose means that you’re going to have a lot of extra fabric to deal with – fabric that’s inevitably going to find cracks and crevices to wedge itself into, too. 

The size that you choose may be different and different brands as well, and it’s not a bad idea to try different options to find something that works well for you consistently. You can check out our underwear size chart to guide you as well.

For more info and help getting your hands on the perfect pair of underwear from here on, check out this quick guide. By the time you are done with all the inside information in this quick guide you’ll be guaranteed to have only underwear you need to fill your drawers with practically wedgie proof pairs that aren’t going to fight you, bunch up, and cause discomfort later down the line. 

It doesn’t get much better than that, now does it?!

About the author

Kelsey Summers

Kelsey is the lead editor of She's a fashionista who's written for Glamour, GQ and others. She enjoys breaking the stigma and taboo around underwear and writing about all things fashion.