Should I Wear a Thong? Six Things to Consider

Thong underwear has never been as popular as it is today – and for good reason! They're super comfortable, super versatile, and incredibly fashionable. 

If you’ve been thinking about adding a couple of thongs to your rotation but haven’t pulled the trigger just yet, we're here to help nudge you with the right direction. 

A lot of ladies that haven’t worn a thong wonder whether or not it's right for them and it's not that hard to understand why.

When you've never worn a thong, the image of a permanent wedgie is burned into your mind – but we're here to clear up the confusion and help show you why thongs are so spectacular.

If you’ve been wondering “should I wear a thong” but haven’t taken the plunge just yet, here are some reasons you should highly consider adding at thong (or two) into your panty drawer

1. Always Invisible Panty Lines

The number one reason that women choose to wear thongs – and the number one answer to “should I wear a thong” – has a lot to do with eliminating visible panty lines once and for all.

There’s nothing worse than snugging into your favorite pair of jeans or leggings, pants that sits right up against your skin, and have your entire look ruined because your underwear lines are breaking up and otherwise seamless look.

When you wear thongs, though, those issues disappear completely – permanently! 

G string thong underwear guarantees that you’ll never have to worry about visible panty lines ever again, but even traditional thongs and “hybrid” thongs are going to make sure that you worrying about panty lines becomes a problem of the past.

2. Super Comfortable (When You Get Used to Them)

Another big question ladies have on their mind when they're wondering if they should wear a thong is whether or not they're going to be comfortable – especially over the long haul.

Anytime you’re talking about fabric stuffed between your cheeks it’s inevitable to think about how uncomfortable wedgies can be as well as how uncomfortable traditional briefs can get when they are wedged right up there. 

With thongs though, this is almost never a problem! 

Thongs have super thin pieces of fabric on the backstrap that slide perfectly between your cheeks, disappearing almost completely (especially when you are talking about G string thongs) so that you don’t have to worry about feeling like you’ve got a permanent wedgie. 

Fit, fabric, and the overall finish of a particular thong has a huge impact on how comfortable it is going to be in the short and long-term. Just make sure you get the right one. Here are our favorite thongs for reference.

But for the most part, you’ll find these underwear to be the most comfortable you can wear on a regular and consistent basis – and it will happen a lot faster than you expect after you make the switch, too! 

3. Feel Crazy Confident and Sexy

There’s just something about slipping into your favorite thong that immediately makes you feel more confident, more in control, and sexier all at the same time – and it’s definitely going to drive your partner wild, too. 

Great thong underwear does a wonderful job of framing your bottom perfectly (something we are going to highlight in just a second) and it’s impossible to argue with the idea that thongs are super sexy and will give you a lot of self-confidence when you're wearing them. 

There’s a reason why a lot of the most popular pieces of lingerie on the market today feature thong style bottoms as well as why so many popular bathing suits and bikini styles have thong bottoms as well. 

It’s hard not to look – and feel – fantastic when you slide these underwear on. 

4. Easy to Workout In

Finding the right underwear to workout in can be a real chore, especially if you're used to wearing traditional panties, boy shorts, or regular “briefs” when you're hitting the gym.

Thongs disappear almost completely when you're working out, sliding up against your body like a second skin, but still providing you with plenty of protection and coverage at the same time. 

You’ll also look fantastic in your favorite pair of workout shorts or yoga pants – and you won’t have to worry about panty lines when working out, either! 

The best thing about working out on a thong, though, has to be the fact that isn’t going to ride up and it isn’t going to bunch up the way that traditional underwear might have super breathable, you don’t have to worry about things getting extra humid down there, too. 

If you're looking for a good workout thong, try any of these.

5. Showcases the Shape of Your Bottom

We touched on this a little bit earlier, but if you’re wondering if you should wear a thong, you’ll be happy to know that you’ll be able to really frame your bottom well with thong underwear in a way that’s tough to pull off with more traditional panties. 

The shape and the minimalist approach of thong underwear – every style of thong underwear, for that matter – really helps to accentuate your buns in a way that bigger pairs of underwear are going to hide and mask.

Without a lot of fabric in the way your butt is going to be on full display and it’s not hard to feel super confident and super sexy when that’s the case! 

6. Perfect Underwear for Warm Weather

At the end of the day, your underwear should make you feel as comfortable as humanly possible – and in an ideal world you wouldn’t even think about or notice them at all.

This is especially true when the summer months start to roll in and the temperatures start to rise.

The last thing you want to worry about are things getting swampy “down there”, something that can happen more often than not when you are wearing larger, thicker, full coverage underwear on a regular basis

Thong underwear is the next best thing to going full-blown commando, giving you plenty of coverage without getting uncomfortable.

Breathability is at an all-time high when you are talking about thong underwear, too, which means you’re going to stay comfortable all day long when you have thongs on.

Should You Wear a Thong?

As you can see, there are a ton of advantages to wearing thongs. If you've never worn one before, we highly suggest giving it a try. They're practical, comfortable and generally more affordable than fancier underwear (especially cotton thongs). 

Throw away your misconceptions about thongs and give them a try. You won't regret it!

About the author

Kelsey Summers

Kelsey is the lead editor of She's a fashionista who's written for Glamour, GQ and others. She enjoys breaking the stigma and taboo around underwear and writing about all things fashion.