Do You Wear Underwear With Compression Shorts?

Compression shorts. You've heard of them. You probably wear them while you hit the gym, cycle for miles, run a marathon or do a bit of CrossFit.

Are we right? Yes? Excellent, we thought so.

We think you might still have a question though — am I supposed to wear underwear with compression shorts?

Okay, let's all bring an open mind to this. Ready?

Great, we'll travel along this somewhat confusing path together.

Should You Wear Undies with Compression Shorts?

The short answer is no, never.

For those of you who wanted a quick validation of the right side of this debate, have a fab day and we'll see you later. For those who are wanting a bit more of an explanation, stick with us and we'll talk about it.

Compression shorts are confusingly named given that they are actually underwear in their own right. You have probably seen these guys popping out from under cyclists' running shorts or squeezing the muscles of NBA basketball players.

Some even wear compression shorts and nothing else which takes some sort of confidence but we're here for it.

compression shorts outfit

Anyway, whatever athletic sport you are into, you'll have seen people sporting these bad boys.

So, we'll say it again — there is no need to wear undies beneath your compression shorts. They are underwear (badly named, we know).

The Pros of Wearing Undies with Compression Shorts (this might surprise you)

To be completely honest with you (we always are, not to toot our own horn or anything) wearing undies with compression shorts gives you no real benefits.

Yes, some people like to because they want the extra layer to protect their nether regions but it isn't necessary. In fact, it just makes you hotter (which isn't great when you're working up a sweat in the gym or on the track anyway).

Having said this, no one is going to stop you. The world is your oyster as they say but trust us, you'll feel far more comfortable without the extra bulk down in the south.

The Cons of Wearing Panties with Compression Shorts

You Miss Out On All The Benefits Compression Shorts Can (and will if you let them) Give You

Honestly, wearing underwear with compression shorts will not help in any way, shape or form as they're designed to act as undies and more. If you're interested in the benefits they do provide, let's keep talking.

Say Hello to Better Circulation

There have been so many studies conducted on these guys and all of them prove that compression shorts are the way to go for improved circulation.

Your legs will have never felt so circulated (if that's even a thing, we'll say it is!). Plus, with your new and improved circulation, you can say hi to more oxygenation. What more could you want, right?

Stiff Muscles Are Non-Existent

Thanks to your new-found oxygenated lower limbs, you can expect to be as loose as a goose. Not forgetting to mention that your overall performance in the sport of your choice will be improved.

Compression (Obviously)

Yep, who would've guessed that compression shorts provide compression? Shocker!

Your leg muscles are huge but, by slipping on a pair of these, they'll be supported in all the right places.

Remember, don't confuse compressed with restricted! They aren't the same thing. All it means is your bones will be aligned better and your muscles will be ready to play much quicker.

Soreness Begone

Recovery time is when compression shorts truly come into their own. It's their time to shine, okay? Okay.

Athletes have noticed their recovery period is much shorter when they wear these shorts. Surprisingly though, it isn't just from the compression, it's also due to the other benefits the shorts possess (like the increased circulation and bone alignment we talked about earlier).

We should probably mention now (before you get too excited) that you shouldn't wear them all day. Not that this will do any real harm, mind you, but it is good to let your legs have a breather from the compression every once in a while.

Chafing Who?

If you consider yourself an intense sporting kind of person then you will be familiar with the wonderous life trouble that is chafing.

Thankfully, wearing compression shorts will reduce the risk of this tremendously so there's no need to slather Vaseline on anymore.

Too Hot? Not Anymore

Exercise is hard work (that's the whole point, right?), so it does get quite sweaty. However, if you slide on a pair of compression shorts, you will notice how comfortable you can be during even the most intense workouts.

How do they manage to wick away the moisture? It's because the fabric they are made from has this property. Quite astonishing when you think about how much these shorts can do.

Looking for the best underwear for sweat? Here are our picks for men. And our top recommendations for women!

Situations Where You Must Wear Undies with Compression Shorts

We don't want to insult your intelligence as we're pretty sure you can figure out what we're about to say but, we're going to let you know anyway (sorry, it's our job).

There is absolutely no situation that requires you to wear underwear with compression shorts. As we said before, they act as panties in their own right.

Tips for Rocking The Panties with Compression Shorts Look

Since you shouldn't be wearing underwear with these shorts, we don't really have any tips for rocking the look. But, we can give you a tip for wearing the compression shorts look.

Wear something over them—particularly for men. We're not trying to be crude here but nobody wants to see your junk bouncing and shaking in time with whatever your exercise you happen to be doing.

Yep, some people do think they can pull it off but... don't. Just don't be that guy.

The Compressed Bottom Line

Now you know the ins and outs of this underwear with compression shorts conundrum, we hope you'll hit the gym, track or game with your dignity intact.

Compressed legs are happy legs!

About the author

Kelsey Summers

Kelsey is the lead editor of She's a fashionista who's written for Glamour, GQ and others. She enjoys breaking the stigma and taboo around underwear and writing about all things fashion.