Why Do We Wear Underwear?

People have been putting on underwear every morning, probably since the beginning of time. Some prefer plain and straightforward undergarments, while others are willing to pay high-end prices for the very same. But why do we do this? Why do we as people wear underwear each day?

There are several reasons why people put on underwear each day, and those reasons fall into three categories: for comfort, for health, and aesthetic reasons.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into a few reasons from each of those categories. By the end of this article, you’ll hopefully have a stronger appreciation for the underwear you have in your closet.

But more than that, you’ll also understand yourself and your reasons a lot better, too.

Let’s get started.

Prevent Moisture Stains

Let’s start this list with probably the most obvious reason there is for anyone to put on underwear: preventing moisture stains seeping through our clothes. 

You see, our underwear acts as an additional layer separating our lower body from the clothes that we wear on the outside. Not only is that an excellent thing to have, that layer, but it’s also critical for our day-to-day lives.

Just like any other part of our body, the lower half also tends to sweat a lot when temperatures get too high.

Instead of seeping all the way through to our clothes, our underwear does a fantastic job of absorbing that moisture and keeping it hidden from plain view. That prevents us from having any awkward or embarrassing moments explaining the wet spots on your pants or skirts!

The same is also true for other problems, like for people who are incontinent. Sure, regular underwear won’t be able to hide that problem from showing, but it’ll still do a decent job of absorbing most of it as the person heads to the bathroom to clean themselves up.

To Stay Comfortable Throughout The Day

Here’s the thing about most of the pants we wear, especially to work: their designs prioritize looking good rather than feeling comfortable.

Besides all of the other reasons you’ll find on this list, one of the most important reasons to wear underwear is to provide ourselves with plenty of comfort as we walk, sit, and exercise throughout the day.

So, rather than wearing comfy but unprofessional-looking sweatpants to work, for example, we can compensate with a more comfy pair of underwear. 

The best part? Nobody is going to see your underwear! That means you can buy the comfiest, cutest (or sexiest!) underwear that makes you feel like you’re sitting on a cloud, and no one will have to know!

Lower Risk Of Infection

When your underwear absorbs moisture, it’s not just doing you a favour by hiding sweat stains on your pants.

It’s also playing another crucial role by removing moisture from your skin instead of letting it linger on the surface of your lower body. Doing that offers the excellent benefit of lowering your risk for infection!

Bacteria, fungi, and all sorts of other nasty little things prefer to live and multiply in environments where they can find warmth and lots of moisture (sound familiar?).

While there’s nothing much you can do about your body heat, a good pair of underwear will absorb that moisture. 

And since most people throw their undies in the wash at the end of each day, all of that bad stuff gets washed away before they can cause any harm!

Prevent Acne

Moisture isn’t the only thing that’s in abundance down there. You also have the natural oils that sit on the top layer of your skin. Moisture and oils are bad news the pores on your skin, clogging them up, which leads to acne breakouts.

Now, you may think that an acne breakout down there is no big deal because no one will see it. While that may be true, breakouts are still very uncomfortable and take quite a while to resolve.

Thankfully, a clean pair of underwear will absorb any moisture and some of the oils on your skin, helping us to prevent the problem of acne breakouts entirely.

Avoid Chafing

Here’s another way that wearing underwear protects your skin: it helps to prevent chafing! Earlier, we pointed out that our underwear acts as an additional layer between our bodies and the bottoms we wear, like pants. But besides that, underwear also acts as another layer between our thighs!

That’s great news because it protects our skin by preventing chafing. You see, chafing happens when skin rubs against skin for extended periods.

That can happen as we walk around going about our daily lives. Too much of that friction will cause our skin to chafe, making that part very uncomfortable.

Runners will know this problem all too well. Not only do they experience the regular friction discussed earlier, but theirs happens at a higher frequency than most people.

With underwear on, your thighs will be rubbing against comfortable fabrics like cotton or silk instead of generating friction against your skin.

Makes You Look Good In The Mirror

Last but certainly not least, we wear underwear so that we can look and feel good, especially when we look in the mirror. 

Sure, there’s nothing wrong with putting on nice-looking underwear to look good in front of our partners.

One could argue that lingerie is an underwear category that’s designed specifically for that purpose. But before we go about trying to impress anyone else, we should impress ourselves first.

Feeling good isn’t just about aesthetics, either. As you may already know, there are plenty of different underwear types to choose from, regardless of your gender. Everyone has their own preference and can select the types that also offer them the most comfort throughout the day.

That's Why We Wear Underwear

No matter the reason for putting on underwear, the most important thing to remember is that you must keep them clean.

Fresh and clean underwear will give you all of the benefits above, like keeping your lower body dry and comfortable to provide you with maximum comfort throughout your day.

About the author

Kelsey Summers

Kelsey is the lead editor of Undywear.com. She's a fashionista who's written for Glamour, GQ and others. She enjoys breaking the stigma and taboo around underwear and writing about all things fashion.