You have a guy friend and while he’s funny, charming, kind, and just a great guy that you love spending time with, he isn’t exactly the tidiest person. In fact, if you were to be completely honest, you’d say he’s a downright slob. Every time you hang out, you can’t help but notice that his laundry basket is piled high – and it just keeps growing taller!
With so much laundry, it’s safe to assume that he doesn’t wash his clothing as often as he should, and you can’t help but wonder, either he has a lot of underwear, or he re-wears the same pair several times. Instead of coming right out and asking him which one is true, let’s just assume it’s the latter, and if that’s the case, you really don’t want to, ya know, take things to the next level because, well, EW!
If the above situation or something similar sounds familiar to you, you may be wondering how many times you can safely wear the same pair of underwear without washing. While it’s true that you may be able to get away with wearing certain garments a few times between washings, like jeans and sweatshirts – and doing so can actually be good for the environment and his pocket (less water and energy use), when it comes to underwear, regardless of how acceptable your guy pal may think, regular washing really is a must.

The Dangers of Not Washing Underwear Regularly
Underwear is the barrier between your private bits and pieces and clothing. It not only provides comfort and privacy, but it also collects a bunch of stuff, like dirt, debris, sweat, urine, feces, and discharge (it might be gross to think about, but think about it you must). In other words ,there’s some really nasty crap – quite literally – collecting in your guy pal’s drawers.
As if that wasn’t gross enough, bacteria and fungus thrives in moist, warm environments. All of those factors combined can make dirty underwear a hotbed of disgustingness. Not only will they start to smell and become discolored, but even more alarmingly, those unwashed boxers or tighty whities can become a serious health hazard.
The Worst Case Scenario
Wearing the same pair of underwear multiple times without washing can lead to a variety of problems, including the risk of painful, itchy rashes, genital acne, and groin cysts. There’s also a chance that infections can occur, such as yeast, bacterial, and fungal infections. The harmful elements that are growing in those skivvies can lead to jock itch, bladder, kidney, and urinary tract infections.
Wearing the same underwear without washing can also lead to staph infections, which in severe cases and without the right care, can end up being deadly. On top of all of that, there’s even a chance that dirty underwear can attract pests like, you guessed it, crabs. YUCK!
If you’re hanging out with a guy that wears the same underwear several times in a row without washing and things start getting hot and heavy, you can suffer, too. It’s a pretty surefire bet that his underwear will smell utterly disgusting, and if that doesn’t turn you off and you manage to go further, there’s a chance that whatever he’s carrying on his nether regions from the grossness of his sweat, bacteria, and fungi-infested underwear could end up being passed on to you; that’s if he isn’t in pain from any infections that he may have developed from the his unkempt undies.
So, in summary, not only can wearing the same pair of underwear over and over again without washing affect the person wearing them, but they can also impact whomever that person has intimate relations with; in other words, if the guy you’re hanging out with doesn’t wash his skivvies regularly, you could both end up suffering the consequences.

How to Handle the Problem
For starters, you can tell your guy friend to change his gosh-darn underwear! Of course, we understand that may be easier said than done and you really don’t want to insult anyone; however, sometimes, you just can’t beat around the bush and have to come out and say what’s bugging you – especially when it’s something as concerning as dirty drawers.
Sure, you can be a bit more subtle than saying “hey, change your freaking underpants, will ya!”, but you’re definitely going to want to get it out in the open. To soften the blow, you may want to consider showing him some new underwear that you’d like to see him in, or you could gift him a few new pairs, and then discuss the importance of wearing clean, freshly laundered skivvies on a daily basis. Let him know that your concerns aren’t just about you, but about him, too.
If he doesn’t absorb what you’re saying or if he seems insulted and doesn’t honor your request, well then, maybe you might want to consider moving on and finding someone who does understand the importance of wearing clean underwear every single day.
How Often Should You Wash Your Underwear?
Just to summarize, nothing is more important than proper hygiene, and wearing clean underwear is a vital part of being hygienic. According to health professionals, you should only wear a pair of underwear once before washing. Start each day in a fresh pair, and if you take a shower in the middle of the day or evening, put on a new pair at night.
Washing your underwear regularly is vital to get rid of the ick that accumulates within the fibers of the material, which helps to reduce the risk of developing unpleasant odors, painful rashes, cysts, acne, infections, and a whole host of issues.
For the best results, make sure that you wash your undergarments in water that’s at least 80 degrees F, which will ensure that any bacteria and fungi that’s residing in the fibers is killed off. Also, you may want to apply an antibacterial detergent to them to further ensure that they’re thoroughly cleaned.