Do You Wear Underwear With Compression Pants?

Compression pants, compression boxers, compression shorts — you've definitely heard about them. 

Depending on how serious of an athlete you are, you might own some. But do you still find yourself pondering questions like "should I be wearing underwear with these?" and "are compression pants like regular pairs?".

Before we dove headfirst into these murky waters, we were asking ourselves these questions too! Now, we have the answers and are going to divulge them all to you right now. Exciting, huh?

Should You Wear Regular Underwear with Compression Pants?

If you just want a quick answer so you can get back to working out then here it is: no, you do not need to wear regular underwear with your compression pants.

Okay, we'll see you lads later but, for the rest of you, let's get a deeper understanding, shall we?

Compression pants have been designed by fitness wear companies to act as regular underwear with other benefits. So, popping on extra undies will only provide an extra layer, more bulk and also more heat. This is not beneficial to those who are serious about their athletic career or fitness in general.

We'll say it again for the people at the back — you do not need to wear undies with your compression pants. They act as underwear in their own right.

The Pros of Wearing Undies with Compression Pants

To be honest, this is quite a tricky one since there aren't any real pros to wearing undies with compression pants. We could try and come up with random, half-baked answers but it just wouldn't be worth it.

Obviously, some women in particular insist on wearing underwear under their compression garments due to the extra protection do we put this delicately...discharge. We kind of understand this but they're creating more of it by adding the additional layer!

The Cons of Wearing Undies with Compression Pants

Okay, while there is technically only one con, it's a huge one so pay attention lads and lasses.

You Won't Get Any Of The Benefits Compression Pants Bring

It's true; by slipping on a pair of "normal" underwear beneath your compression pants, you're denying yourself the amazing benefits they can give you!

Don't invest in brilliant compression pants if you can't let yourself have all the good stuff.

What benefits will you be missing out on exactly? Keep reading, we've got your back.

Chafing Begone

Ahhh, chafing. Any active person's nemesis. Thankfully, material tech has come a long way and is now perfect for ridding your thighs of this horrible curse.

We're sure we don't need to tell you that wearing something under your compression pants will destroy this benefit. After all, the material won't be touching your thighs!

No More Muscle Soreness (What More Could You Ask For?)

Recovery can take a little while (frustrating, we know it) but compression pants can significantly reduce it.

Compression isn't the main reason for this. These pants provide so many benefits it's hard to tell which one helps you recover quicker. It's probably something to do with the improved blood flow (in our humble opinion).

Compression (Of Course,)

Obviously, compression pants bring compression. No points for guessing that!

Supporting your quads, glutes and hamstrings when working out can be quite a challenge. This is why you need to slip on a pair of compression pants.

Bear in mind though that when we say compressed, we do not mean restricted. They still allow for full extension and contraction of your muscles (no slacking on leg day fellas), just with added bone alignment and support.

Honestly, you'll be feeling like superman after an hour in the gym with these pants on.

Perfect Temperature Control

Sweating is a necessary evil with exercise (unfortunately) and it can get pretty uncomfortable. But, when you wear compression pants it wicks the moisture away so you can work out comfortably for longer.

Much like the chafing, this is less to do with the compression part and more to do with the type of fabric. Whatever works!

If you do decide to stick another layer on, you are just adding more heat, stickiness and sweat into the equation. We have one word for that — ew.

New and Improved Circulation

Studies have been done on these types of pants to figure out if they truly do help (i.e. that it isn't just a marketing ploy). The results are in favor of them since they've found the pants improve circulation fairly drastically in your lower body.

Stiff Muscles Say Bye-Bye

With improved circulation comes improved muscle stamina. What do we mean, we hear you cry? Well, with these pants it will take longer for your muscles to stiffen and become fatigued. Win-win situation, right?

Faster Recovery

And again, with improved circulation comes quicker recovery. We don't need to insult your intelligence by telling you how great this is!

When You Really Should Wear Underwear with Compression Pants

Truthfully, there aren't any situations where you have to wear underwear with compression pants. They act as undies already so you're good to go.

Tips for Looking Sharp Wearing Undies with Compression Pants

Obviously, it comes as no surprise that we don't have tips for looking sharp while wearing both compression pants and underwear. However, we can give you a little hint as to how to rock the compression pant look anyway.

Our advice is (and we mean this strongly), wear something over them. Nobody needs to see your crown jewels bouncing, waving and shaking around while you're doing your workout or letting off steam on the track. It just isn't necessary! Sorry if this seems a bit harsh but c'mon dude, keep that for private showings.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, it is up to you whether you want to wear an extra layer underneath your compression pants. All we're here to do is discourage you! Regular underwear isn't right for your exercising excursions but you do you boo!

About the author

Kelsey Summers

Kelsey is the lead editor of She's a fashionista who's written for Glamour, GQ and others. She enjoys breaking the stigma and taboo around underwear and writing about all things fashion.